PhotoStory on DVD MX Deluxe [Download]

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Whether holiday memories, photos of family and friends, hobby photos, or business presentations: easily transform your photos and video clips into fascinating slideshows featuring text, music, and spectacular effects.
Create interactive DVDs and experience your greatest memories over and over again on TV or export them to other media (e.g. USB stick, SD card, PC, projector, Internet, digital picture frames, mobile players).
Get your audience’s full attention by creating spectacular film trailers, short slideshows or imposing intros and opening credits with the help of professional templates.
Complete 3D workflow and an easy introduction to the third dimension! Create entertaining 3D lenticular images and be amazed by the depth effect without 3D glasses even on conventional monitors and TVs.
Direct export of multimedia slideshows as Media Players (Flash technology) for convenient viewing on your PC through an Internet browser and for embedding in websites (export includes HTML source code).
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