Hardwood Box Didgeridoo – Compact Travel Didge Box from World Percussion USA
The Hardwood Box Didgeridoo from World Percussion USA is a lightweight, compact, travel-size didge that is easy to play and produces a full, resonant drone. The hardwood box body has a mouthpiece hole in the top corner, which flows into an interior baffle, or winding channel. This imitates the tube inside a full length, straight didgeridoo, and allows the standing audio waves produced by the buzzing lips to create that awesome Austrailian Aboriginal sound.
- Real didgeridoo sound and playability packed into the size of a little wooden book!
- Take that Australian didge sound in your briefcase or rucksack to play anywhere you go
- Made from hardwood with interior baffles, comfortable mouthpiece, and acoustic amplification
- Features the natural wood grain polished finish with a thin Rasta Gecko stripe
- This model exclusively from World Percussion USA; sales support the non-profit work of Africa Heartwood Project