Light L16 – 4K Multi-Lense 52MP Pocket-Sized DSLR-Quality Camera with Built-in Wifi, Touchscreen, Software Updated Built-in 256MB Storage (New)

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On-Camera Editing and this compact camera captures the details of your scene at multiple focal lengths, then uses sophisticated algorithms to combine 10+ images into a single, high-resolution photo.
Light’s advanced image-processing engine captures 51.1 megapixels of rich data, creating high-quality images with striking details, realistic colors, and significantly less noise. Photographers have the creative freedom they need to zoom, crop, enlarge, and ultimately bring their vision to life.
3 stops of dynamic range and unlike most cameras, the L16 captures multiple images at different exposure values. When combined, final photos boast an impressively wide dynamic range—around 13 stops.
Weighing just less than a pound, the L16 offers convenience without sacrificing quality. Now, photographers can take professional-quality photos wherever they go.
Built-in Wifi, On screen editing, Bluetooth, Software Updates, 52 Megapixels, 16 Lenses, Optimized Low Light Capability, etc. The Light L16 has so much to offer!
Camera Model L16. LightOS Version: LightOS- Camera Firmware Version: 00431D6A
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